Key Focus
Encouraging fellowship in the Lord and with one another, facilitating one to one relationships, small groups and bigger gatherings. The Word of the Lord being the basis, EMFI fellowships grow around His word. In His Spirit. Out of this close fellowship comes the outward praxis of reaching out to the poor, needy and unreached, reaching them with wholistic healing and the good news.

Endeavouring to bring students and graduates into a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ the New Birth. Having experienced the joy of salvation, encouraging each other to share this good news through a life of witness and sharing.

‘Follow me’ says our Lord and His Spirit brings to remembrance all that He taught us. Walking after Him, encouraging each other in the narrow way, applying discipleship in the study and work of healthcare.

Would you like to visit a mission hospital for a short period? Would you like to travel with a group and share our life in missions? You could enrich a mission with your expertise as well as learn lessons of life from friends in missions. You can become more aware of the healthcare needs of our country, especially the ‘Empowered Action Group States and Assam’ and the North East. Come let us all be involved!

All suffering that is common to humankind is experienced in an amplified manner by the poor. Our Lord during his life on earth chose to be poor and fellowshipped with the poor. He’s described his work, quoting the prophets ‘ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach the good news to the poor. He taught us repeatedly about being involved in the needs of the poor. Just before his passion, his words were about the ‘hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick and imprisoned’ ones, whom he called the ‘least of these, My brethren’. His life calls us, his disciples and children, to cultivate ‘pro-poorness’ as a core attribute of following the Lord.