EMFI Logo was redone sometime in early 2000. The earlier Logo was a circle that had an outline of the Indian map and radiating line with ribbon below with the ‘EMFI’ on it. In the center of it there was an image of a rod coiled around with two snakes (this is largely accepted as the doctor’s logo even now). After the 25 years (silver Jubilee) celebration in 1999 various thoughts were brought forth to relook into the existing logo and the current logo has been adopted from the Delhi conference in 2001.

EMFI logo is a very distinctive expression of what EMFI stands for.
The components of the logo are
- Fish
- Basin
- Towel
- EMFI in small letters
- ‘f’ in emfi is modified to depict a cross over arching all other letters and images.
- The colour of the logo is grey and blue.
The fish <>< was further emphasized as a basin, that is depicted just below the outline of fish where even the letter ‘f’ tends to connect to that basin. There is an imaginary line that connects these two.
The towel is very obviously visible. The basin and towel are very explicit, depicting service to others as the Master served. (John 13 and Mark 10:45)
The fish <>< is the symbol of suffering Christians since the first century. The followers of Jesus were under tremendous persecution making them to hide from their persecutors. Many of them moved to catacombs to stay faithful to their calling as disciples of Jesus. As and when one of them came out of these hiding places for buying essential items, if they came across someone who was also a follower of the Way, to confirm their identity one of them would initiate to draw part of a fish either upper or lower line of the fish as depicted in the logo on the ground with their toes. If the other person was also a disciple, he or she would quickly complete it by drawing the other side. Then they would quickly erase it and move to a place where they could have fellowship with each another.
The reason for this symbol among early Christians could have various thoughts behind it. But the most widely accepted explanation is the declaration ‘ICHTHYS’ – Jesus Christ God’s Son, the Saviour.
The basin & towel obviously depicts service.
EMFI in small letters with the overshadowing cross indicates that we are deliberately allowing the cross of Christ to control us as a movement. It implies what John the Baptist said when he understood that Jesus was the Messiah as he declared in John 3:30.